VayoPro-SMT Expert

VayoPro-SMT Expert is an essential tool for intelligent & fast programming. It converts CAD/Gerber/BOM data, corrects parts angle/polarity/offset intelligently, generates placement program/recipe/feeder list/assembly drawing document, converts existing program/recipe to different placement platform. The software minimizes human error, reduces programming & fine-tuning cycle time, leverages machine utilization and reduce labour cost.

Powerful Data Processing Capability, Smooth Communication With Customer Or R&D

Whether you are building products for your own brand or others, whether you are engineer or manager, with VayoPro-SMT Expert you will no longer face difficulties in processing the data from designer. VayoPro-SMT Expert is able to handle Gerber data source and the following PCB CAD type.
File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System
*.brd Cadence allegro *.pcb Protel *.tgz ODB++ neutral_file Mentor
*.val Cadence allegro *.pcbdoc Altium *.cad GenCAD *.uni Unidat
*.cad Cadence allegro *.ftf *.pcf Zuken CR5000 *.asc FATF *.paf Viscadif
*.gbr Gerber file *.BSF *.CCF Zuken CR3000 *.gcm GenCAM *.asc PowerPCB
*.pho *.art Gerber file *.min OrCAD *.IPC IPC 356 ...... ......

BOM Validation & Import

The software supports multi-level panelization, array panelization, multi-angle panelization, Top & Bottom side panelization, multiple products panelization & etc.
  • Support dynamic BOM content 
       - Excel, text
  • BOM Vs CAD Validation 
       - Mismatch parts quantity
       - Duplicate part number
       - In BOM not in CAD
  • Minimize human interfere errors
  • BOM Comparison
  • Export Internal BOM
  • Save > 70% manipulation cycle

Support Gerber Source

The software supports RS-274-X & RS-274-D Gerber data source and utilizes XY coordinates file to achieve fast program generation.

Powerful Panelization

The software supports multi-level panelization, array panelization, multi-angle panelization, Top & Bottom side panelization, multiple products panelization & etc.

Intelligent Capture Fiducial Mark

The software captures fiducial mark from PCB layout, which improve the work efficiency.

Part Library

The software supports PD library for placement machine like Fuji, Panasonic, ASM/Siplace, Yamaha & etc. User is able to create PD offline and the software connects to machine PD library intelligently.
  • Patent technology allow you to intelligently assign part data from existing PD library.
  • Intelligently extract data from CAD, generate new part data quickly. 

Intelligent Parts Angle/Polarity/Offset Correction

The data source used for placement programming from XY data, Gerber or PCB CAD, has mismatching mount angle, therefore engineers have to correct parts angle/polarity/offset manually. VayoPro-SMT Expert corrects parts angle/polarity/offset intelligently which minimizes human errors and reduce machine downtime.

Output Program For AOI/X-ray Machine

The software is able to generate program for AOI/AXI/X-ray besides of SMT placement machine.
AOI/ X-Ray output:
Agilent 5DX/ SJ50, ViTrox V810/ V510, Omron, VI Technology, Orbotech, Viscom, TRI, Landrex, ...

Feeder Loading List

The software is able to generate configurable & comprehensive feeder loading list in Excel or ASCII format according to line setup.

Assembly Drawing

The software is able to generate assembly drawing automatically, which is an essential document for inspection.

Program Conversion

The software is able to convert existing program/recipe among different placement platform, which greatly reduce line/site transfer cycle time.

Data Validation

Powerful data validation function verifies existing placement recipe/program through multiple method, which reduce program errors caused by ECO change or other incorrect operation.

ECN/ECO Automation (Customization)

Vayo offers customization/development service, whereby the user is able to convert ECN/ECO to placement program/recipe automatically. Meanwhile, revision validation function is able to detect BOM/CAD revision changes and validate ECN/ECO content.

Step By Step Operation Guide

Step by step operation guide ease the learning & usage of software.