VayoPro-Test Expert

VayoPro-Test Expert is an essential NPI tool for electronics manufacturing. It utilizes design information (CAD & BOM), integrates test engineering requirements, performs DFT/Testability analysis, and generates optimized ICT/FP/AOI/X-ray test program/fixture data. The software enhances DFT/testability analysis capability, improve programming cycle time and reduce inline program debugging time.

Comprehensive Pcb Data Analysis, Ensure Correstness Of Test Engineering

Whether you are building products for your own brand or others, whether you are engineer or manager, with VayoPro-Test Expert you will no longer face difficulties in processing the data from designer. VayoPro-Test Expert is able to handle the following PCB CAD type.
File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System File extension EDA/Layout System
*.brd Cadence allegro *.pcb Protel *.tgz ODB++ neutral_file Mentor
*.val Cadence allegro *.pcbdoc Altium *.cad GenCAD *.uni Unidat
*.cad Cadence allegro *.ftf *.pcf Zuken CR5000 *.asc FATF *.paf Viscadif
*.gbr Gerber file *.BSF *.CCF Zuken CR3000 *.gcm GenCAM *.asc PowerPCB
*.pho *.art Gerber file *.min OrCAD *.IPC IPC 356 ...... ......

CAD Revision Comparison

The software is able to compare two different revision of CAD data and generates the discrepancy report of parts/nets/test nails. The software validates ECN/ECO content and analyses the reusability of test fixture.

BOM Parser & Verification

The software supports BOM in both Text & Excel formats. The software validates BOM errors (duplicated parts, quantity not match, duplicated PN & etc) and perform validation with CAD (wrong part, missing parts & etc). The software also capable to output customized BOM, which minimizes human errors.
  • Support dynamic BOM content 
       - Excel, text
  • BOM Vs CAD Validation 
       - Mismatch parts quantity
       - Duplicate part number
       - In BOM not in CAD
  • Minimize human interfere errors
  • BOM Comparison
  • Export Internal BOM
  • Save > 70% manipulation cycle

Powerful Nail Rule Setting, Interactive Result Query

Flexible & powerful nail rule setting with optimized algorithm guarantee the best nail selection results. User not only can configure the rule setting (size, distance, type, quantity, priority & etc) but also can configure different rule sets corresponding to various test strategy, and then compare the nail selection results. During result query, user is able to capture the inaccessibility reason with interaction to PCB graphic.

Result Optimization (Net Link)

Net Link function is able to merge nets with 0 ohm resistor, fuse or switch related network. This function increases testability and reduces test nails with equal testability, ultimately it reduces fixture cost.

Validate Accessibility With Gerber

The software supports additional Gerber mask data import, validate accessibility of test probe.

Comprehensive DFT/ Testability Report

The software generates comprehensive testability/ DFT reports includes coverage percentage, accessible nets details, inaccessible nets details, parts report, pin report, parallel report & etc. The report can be generated in several formats: Text, PDF, Excel & Html.

Fixture Design, ICT/ MDA Programming

The fixture design function allows user to design optimized fixture and generate data required for fixture fabrication such as drill list and wire list. The software also generates precise test program for testers like Agilent, Teradyne/GenRad, Spea, TRI, Checksum, MTS, JET, Hioki, Areaflex/IFR, SRC, & etc.
ICT/MAD Tester:
Agilent, Teradyne/GenRAD, Spea, TRI, Checksum, MTS, JET, Hioki, IFR, SRC, ...

Generate Optimized Flying Probe Program

The software is able to generate optimized and precise flying probe program, which reduce fine-tuning cycle time. User is able to adjust parameters as probe location offset, open-check sensor position, which produce more comprehensive and accurate program. The software supports the program generation for flying probe tester such as TAKAYA, SPEA, HIOKI, SEICA and Acculogic.
Flying Probe:
TAKAYA, SPEA, HIOKI, SEICA, Acculogic, ...

Intelligent Value/ Tolernace Capturing

The software is able to capture value/tolerance intelligently from BOM description. This reduces manual data entry cycle time and also reduce inline debugging cycle time.

Automatic Part Type Setting

The software is able to set part type automatically. There is library database for multiple rule setting according to different customer, different product or different tester. This feature reduces fine-tuning cycle time and also ensure the test program is more precise.

Fast AOI/ X-ray Program Generation

The software is able to generate test program for X-Ray or AOI tester like Agilent 5DX/SJ50, ViTrox V810 &V510, Omron, VI Technology, Orbotech, Viscom, TRI, Landrex, …

Powerful Panelization

The software supports multi-level panelization, array panelization, multi-angle panelization, Top & Bottom side panelization, multiple products panelization & etc.

    • Intelligent panelization
    • - Intelligent capture panelization info from CAD/ Geber and automatic panel generation
      - Fast, accurate

Step By Step Operation Guide

Step by Step operation guide ease learning & usage of software.

Interactive Schematic Query

Interactive query through schematic allows user to perform quick query of parts & nets on PCB layout which enhance troubleshooting activities.

Parallel Report

Parallel report tabulates the resistors & capacitors in parallel and recalculate a new equivalent value. This increases the test analysis accuracy.