Vayopro-View Expert

VayoPro-View Expert is an essential tool for department in electronics manufacturing such as QA/TEST/PE/IE/SMT/SQE. The software offers direct view to PCB layout of electronics products, and eases query task for part/pin/net/nail. Furthermore, the software also enables schematic interactive query.

Support PCB CAD Source, Represent Real PCB View

The software supports ODB++/GenCAD/FATF data source and VayoPro software job data. The software extracts PCB design information, and presents actual PCB layout view.
  • Vayo Job source
  • ODB++/ GenCAD/ FATF import
  • BOM import
  • Real PCB view

Quick Query & Locating

Query & locate parts quickly. The software presents detailed results in different mode (Parts/Pin/Nets).

Powerful Precise Query

The software allows user to query based on specific parameters and offers a more precise query on Parts/Pin/Nets/Node/Nails/Shorts.

Short Nets Troubleshooting

The software highlights short nets with two different colour, which ease the locating short location or area. This greatly helps board troubleshooting.

Interactive Schematic Query

Schematic links with PCB layout interactively, which enables faster query of parts & nets.

DFT Result Query

The software allows query on nail selection result (DFT/Testability) from VayoPro-Test Expert job.

DFM Result Query

The software allows query on DFM result from VayoPro-DFM Expert job.

Board Report

PCB board report offers general information like board size, part quantity, total pin quantity, minimum pitch & etc.

Ready For System Integration

VayoPro-View Expert comes with open API interface, which ease the integration of third party systems like MES, Quality system, Repair/Debug system, tester system & etc.

Essential Tool For All Manufacturing Departments

VayoPro-View Expert represents real PCB and offers fast & powerful query function; it is essential tool for all manufacturing departments.